Workflow Setup
In addition to user and security management, ExtraView allows the System Administrator to manage workflow and processes with many behavior settings, creating rules with a scripting capability and by creating and enforcing status change rules.
Business rules allow the administrator to configure ExtraView with field value assignments based upon the values of any other fields. In a similar way, email rules allow you to control the notification process with a set of rules, as opposed to using the defaults for notification.
Status change rules allow you to determine the valid transitions from status to status. This is completely under the control of the administrator, and can be set individually for each business area, project and user role.
You can also maintain relationship groups as part of your workflow. Relationship groups allow you to connect issues together. When linked, and you apply an update to one of the issues, you can automatically provide a status update and comments to the other issues in the relationship group.
Service Level Agreement management allows the administrator to set up the conditions to measure whether the handling of individual issues fall within predetermined conditions that you have set up to manage your customers. For example, you may have an obligation to respond to all customer issues within two hours, and an obligation to provide closure on an issue within two days. This utility allows you to set up these criteria. Under reporting, your users may use these criteria to prepare and run reports that show your organization’s performance against these SLA’s.