This method defines a map that overrides the rendering of the buttons on the menubar on Add and Edit screens.
Add Issue, Add Confirmation, Edit Issue screens
public HashMap setButtonDopeMap(
Connection dbconn, // the database connection
SesameSession session, // the user's session
String buttonName, // the name of the button
String layoutType, // the type of layout, e.g. ADD_PROBLEM
HashMap buttonDopeMap ) // the current values to be used for rendering the button
// this includes:value, title, onclick, class,
// and options using those keys
This is used in conjunction with the methods addCustomButtonTemplate and buttonInclusionMap. The method returns a HashMap with the values corresponding to the buttonDopeMap keys to be used in rendering the button. The values in the HashMap can be modified to change the value, title, onclick, class and/or options. The button names can be: