Saving Reports

Reports can all be saved so that they may be run at any time in the future.

Assuming you have been granted permission by your administrator, there are 3 potential areas into which you can save a report:

  • The My Reports area, where only you have access to the reports that are saved
  • The Public Reports area, where reports created for everyone's use are saved.  You may or may not have access to edit these reports
  • The Shared Reports area, where you place reports that you want to share with a report group.  A report group is an arbitrary group of users and only members of the group can see and run reports shared within their group.  Either you or another user may have created a shared report.  The user's name who created the shared report is appended to the report title.

If a report already exists when you click the Save button, you are prompted to overwrite the existing report. If you click the Save As button, you will be saving the report with a new name and/or description.

  • Reports have a title, up to 100 characters in length. This is required.

    There is a button to the right of the Report Title that appears when you are editing an existing report. When you place your mouse over this button, you will see who created the report, who last updated the report and the dates when these actions occured. This is most useful when managing public reports

  • Reports have a description, up to 100 characters in length. This is required
  • When you click on Save or Save As, you will see the following dialog box, asking you to confirm the Report Title and Description, and giving you the opportunity to save the report for personal use within the My Reports folder, or for public use, within the Public Reports folder.

    In both cases, you can place the report into an existing report folder by selecting the folder name within the Existing Folders selection list, or you can create a new folder by providing its name in the appropriate field.

    If you save the report for personal use, you can share the report with individual users who are members of a User Group. User Groups are created and maintained on the Report screen.

    If you save the report as a public report, you can make it truly public, with all users having access to the report, but you can also share the report with one or more user roles. To allow multiple user roles to view the report, use the CTRL key and the mouse to select each of the roles who are to be given permission to view the report.

    Note that the administrator may not have given you privileges to store public reports or reports for different user roles. The administrator may also have used a setting that ensures that you have a minimum number of filters to be used for any report. On large databases, this is a way in which it is ensured that a single report does not attempt to download a huge number of issues, consuming significant resource on the server.

    Saving a report

  • A user cannot save more than one report with the same title that is for personal use, and a report cannot be saved for global use, if a report with this title already exists
  • If you use the Save As option to create a copy of the report with a different name and/or title, any report schedule that has been created for the original report is not saved to the new report, to avoid having the same report output scheduled twice. A schedule can be set up for the newly created report in the normal way.