User Account Display
public ArrayList ucValidateUserRecord( Connection dbconn, SesameSession session, SecurityUser su, HashMap suHm, ArrayList UFIColumnDope ) throws Exception
public ArrayList ucValidateUserRecord( Connection dbconn, SesameSession session, SecurityUser su, HashMap suHm, ArrayList UFIColumnDope ) throws Exception { ArrayList validationErrors = new ArrayList(); SesameMessageFormat smf = new SesameMessageFormat(dbconn, session); for (int x=0; x 0) { String myProjectString = (String) myProjectId.get(0); if (!myParentProjects.add(myProjectString)) { err = true; } } if (err) { smf.clear(); smf.append("The user cannot be added to the group "); smf.appendString(myUserGroupId); smf.append(" because the user already belongs to a User Group in the same Project"); validationErrors.add(smf.getFormattedMessage()); } } } } return validationErrors; }