This API call retrieves an individual record from the ExtraView database. You must know the ID of the issue in question to be able to extract the information.
&username_display=ID | LAST | FIRST
&strict=no | yes
The action retrieves a single record in XML format from the database and displays it similarly to the example shown in the following figure. Note that only fields to which the user has permission will be displayed. Also, note that it is possible to see repeating fields such as version records within the output.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<PROBLEM_RECORD> <ID TITLE="Bug #">12621</ID> <SHORT_DESCR TITLE="Title"><![CDATA[An error occurs when you overload the power convertor]]></SHORT_DESCR> <SEVERITY_LEVEL TITLE="Severity">High</SEVERITY_LEVEL> <PRIORITY TITLE="Priority">Low</PRIORITY> <PRODUCT_NAME TITLE="Product">NetPower</PRODUCT_NAME> <DATE_CREATED TITLE="Created">14-AUG-01</DATE_CREATED> <OWNER TITLE="Owner">rick</OWNER> <TIMESTAMP TITLE="Last Modified">15-AUG-01</TIMESTAMP> <ASSIGNED_TO TITLE="Assigned To">Florence</ASSIGNED_TO> <PRIVACY TITLE="View">Private</PRIVACY> <CATEGORY TITLE="Category">Hardware</CATEGORY> <RESOLUTION TITLE="Disposition">Not found</RESOLUTION> <DATE_CLOSED TITLE="Date Closed"></DATE_CLOSED> <ORIGINATOR TITLE="Originator">JON.BJORNSTAD</ORIGINATOR> <ORIGINATOR_NAME TITLE="Originator">Jon Bjornstad</ORIGINATOR_NAME> <RELEASE_RECORD> <RELEASE_FOUND TITLE="Version Open">ADC2</RELEASE_FOUND> <RELEASE_FIXED TITLE="Version Closed">1.01</RELEASE_FIXED> <RELEASE_STATUS TITLE="Release Status">Unassigned</RELEASE_STATUS> </RELEASE_RECORD> <RELEASE_RECORD> <RELEASE_FOUND TITLE="Version Open">Framework 1.3</RELEASE_FOUND> <RELEASE_FIXED TITLE="Version Closed">Framework 1.3</RELEASE_FIXED> <RELEASE_STATUS TITLE="Release Status">Open</RELEASE_STATUS> </RELEASE_RECORD> <Description TITLE="Description"><![CDATA[If you enter an overload trip on the front panel you will find an error occurs.]]></Description> </PROBLEM_RECORD> |
You must provide a valid name and value pair for the ID field. The value must be an existing issue within the ExtraView database. If you do not provide this, an error message is generated.
The optional parameter USERNAME_DISPLAY may be used to override the behavior setting named USERNAME_DISPLAY, for the duration of the execution of a single API call. This allows the developer to return the user names in a different format than the system-wide default.
The optional parameter strict, with a value of yes, enforces the action to operate only on ALT_ID. If there is no match for the value of the ALT_ID in the specified ID parameter, then the message Invalid Id will be returned. This means that a matching ID value will be ignored.
The fields returned in the results correspond to the fields on the detailed report layout of the user’s current business area, current project and current role. However, if the behavior setting named REPORT_DTL_ITEM_DATA_LAYOUT is set to YES, then the detailed report for the user’s current role and the issue’s business area and project are used to define the fields being returned.